Random Dominion Musings
Well, here it is. My first official Dominion Blog. I hope you guys like it. In the future, I plan on adding some strategy discussion and also some lists. Lists are fun. I really liked jsh's idea for categorizing junking attacks . Qvists list s are fun, but something can be said for trying to figure out what trasher to buy or what village. Some list ideas I have are for best villages, best trashers and best alt VP. If you guys like those lists, I will create more. Anyway today's post is more or less to say hi to everyone, and just write some random stream of thoughts pertaining to Dominion. Also, I promise future entries will be better. I'm typing this one from my phone. It's never a good idea to write an entire blog from one's phone. I'm pretty excited about Dominion at the moment. Dark Ages shaked the game up a lot. And, Empires seems to be doing the same. Adventures also shaked up the game, but mostly by providing a lot of OP cards (Lost Arts, Peasant, ...